August 2023

"DESPERTAR DE LA CONCIENCIA" COLLECTIVE EXHIBITION 15 Artists come together to capture their vision of the “Awakening of Consciousness”, 15 different ways of seeing consciousness through art. “Awake is the origin of knowledge.” Augmented reality Art. by Banshee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W31k40GO3K0&list=PLmirSRgZZmrvaGoEwTgB0S--yKf-nDHEd&index=4 ARTISTS MAIC SOLO  –  ALIX YOLITZIN –  DAVES BARRÓN  –  OSIEL GUERRERO –  MFT  –   SLEYTER  –  BANSHEE  –  HEY YUDE  –  BLOOORRY. - KRISTEL GONZALEZ